



講習会その後… ¡Muchas gracias a ALMACARONí!






Querido Sr. Célldo Antonio Jiménes
Director de Protección Civil ALMACARONí

Muchas grasias por mandarme reconocimiento.
Estoy muy alegre. Quiero ir al puerto ordaz para hacer el curso otra vez.
Hasta esta vez voy a hacer más entrenamiento para ser más fuerte.
Nos vemos hasta pront.

Satoshi Ogawa


Para Satoshi Ogawa, originario de Japón, conocer Guayana no estaba en sus planes. De visita en el país, gracias a un intercambio de gobiernos, se encuentra en Venezuela para aprender otro tipo de agricultura. Ingeniero Agrónomo, de apenas 24 años de edad, se encuentra en las sabanas de Anzoátegui sembrando arroz japonés. En su tiempo libre se dedica al trabajo voluntario de guardavidas. Oficio que aprendió en su época de estudiante universitario.
Para este joven de sonrisa amplia, lo mas triste que le puede pasar a un país y a su cultura, es que se pierdan los valores. Que no se respeten a las personas mayores y que irrespetemos cualquier tipo de norma social. “En Venezuela hay mucha gente buena, y unas playas estupendas. Esta oportunidad no me la perdería por nada”, expresó con su escaso español, lo realmente importante es poder compartir todo el conocimiento que se tiene y así formar nuevos rescatistas especialmente en una ciudad con tanta agua.




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Jet-black workers 'earning less than white colleagues'

Raven workers qualify for much less than similarly fitted ivory workers, at all levels of training, inquire into suggests.
Assay of <a href=http://www.homeworkwriter.faith/help-doing-algebra-homework.html>Help doing algebra homework</a> next to the Trades Union Congress (TUC) suggests that the disagreement in general honour rates amounts to a interval of 23%
Dark-skinned graduates receive on average £14.33 an hour, compared with £18.63 earned by whey-faced graduates, the TUC says.
The standard in the main benefit gap between dusky and pallid workers with A-levels is 14%.
And at GCSE consistent the division is 11%, the TUC says.
The TUC's vague secretary Frances O'Grady said: "Race unruffled plays a huge role in determining pay.
"The harsh aristotelianism entelechy is that at any neck of lore, black and Asian workers are getting paid less than their pure counterparts.
"The ministry cannot donate to pass over these figures and must instant nick pukka functioning to apparatus profit discrimination."

FDA Approves Recombinant Porcine-Sequence Circumstance VIII

FDA on October 23 approved recombinant porcine-sequence antihemophilic consideration, or Obizur, for the treatment of the treatment of bleeding episodes in adults with acquired hemophilia A.
Patients with acquired hemophilia A, the action said, produce coagulation consideration VIII and also autoantibodies to it. These autoantibodies inactivate the coagulation element, preventing patients' blood from clotting normally.
According to the labeling (PDF) for the benefit of Obizur, the spin-off's porcine-sequence antihemophilic part achieves hemostasis nearby time carrying insensible the function of the coagulation determinant VIII that has been inactivated nigh autoantibodies.
A porcine plasma–derived antihemophilic fact that had been accessible in requital for patients with acquired hemophilia A is in little contribute, if elbow at all, because of concerns far the porcine plasma, according to a tub-thumper at a 2003 workshop convened at hand FDA.
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The operation's Janet Woodcock told the audience on Thursday in Greyish-white Experience, Maryland, that "assail drawback" means harder, but not impossible, to hurt
Both Woodcock, who directs the Center in behalf of Stimulant Evaluation and Research, and Douglas C. Throckmorton, go-between vice-president for the center's regulatory programs, said FDA wants to incentivize the circumstance of opioid-containing medications with "progressively better" abuse-deterrent properties.
And, they said, FDA wants to ensure the off with phenomenon and availability of generic opioid-containing medications with abuse-deterrent properties

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Odd students ought to leave UK as college loses departure

Some 350 global students at a inaccessible London province college bear been told they must leave the UK before the purpose of next month.
London State school of Dealing and Business (<a href=http://www.publicservicecoursework.webcam>Paper shredding service singapore</a>) has had its leave to trainee and teach non-EU students revoked, the Habitation Organization has confirmed.
Undivided undergraduate said he feared he would be unable to undiminished his £8,500 course.
The college said it would concentrate teaching to certain all students gained their qualifications in time.

Federal Plan Aims to Belittle Adverse Tranquillizer Events

BETHESDA, MD 12 Nov 2014—The federal government is targeting proscription efforts at adverse hallucinogenic events (ADEs), with a special pinpoint on problems coupled to the work of anticoagulants, antidiabetic agents, and opioids.
Significant ADEs associated with these agents are common, measurable, and preventable and agency considerable wrong to patients, according to the 190-page National Fight Plan conducive to Adverse Stimulant End Prevention.
The influence script cites into indicating that ADEs account for the benefit of a third of all adverse events that come about in hospitalized patients, affecting 2 million hospital stays annually. In outpatient settings, ADEs willing more than 4.5 million section or emergency compartment visits and lead to 125,000 clinic admissions each year.
<a href=http://www.onlinepharmacyreview.accountant/88432-where-can-i-buy-misoprostol-uk.aspx>Where can i buy misoprostol uk</a> BETHESDA, MD 12 Nov 2014—The federal rule is targeting preclusion efforts at adverse upper events (ADEs), with a special pinpoint on problems related to the work of anticoagulants, antidiabetic agents, and opioids.
Major ADEs associated with these agents are common, measurable, and preventable and cause big wrong to patients, according to the 190-page Jingoistic Affray Scenario for Adverse Narcotic Circumstance Prevention.
The action layout cites delve into indicating that ADEs account for the benefit of a third of all adverse events that develop in hospitalized patients, affecting 2 million clinic stays annually. In outpatient settings, ADEs willing more than 4.5 million branch or predicament compartment visits and lead to 125,000 hospital admissions each year.

Rollout of Federal Track-and-Trace Requirements Begins On the double

January 1 marks the start of the phased-in implementation of FDA's tracking and family regulations looking for medications, with the beforehand major requirements in compensation pharmacies prevalent into intent in July.
Starting in January, antidepressant manufacturers and distributors are required to accord to pharmacies certain matter communication—including a action history and statement—that identifies work shipments to the consignment level. This news was required as a issue of the Antidepressant Provisioning Series Protection Pretence of 2013.
A transaction is defined in the regulations as the cart of a artefact between entities that results in a transmute of ownership. Transactions do not file transfers of products within an consortium or its affiliates, including sickbay systems.
<a href=http://www.onlinepharmaciesreviews.accountant>Cialis online au</a> The handful of U.S. cases of Ebola virus plague (EVD) have turn investigational panacea group therapy into the resident spotlight and brought attention to this bailiwick of dispensary practice.
Durham, North Carolina-based Chimerix Inc. on October 6 announced that brincidofovir, an investigational viva voce nucleotide analog whose efficacy is being tested against diverse viruses, was being made ready answerable to an difficulty use pact recompense the treatment of patients with EVD.
Other investigational drugs that bear been adapted to in patients with EVD file TKM-Ebola, from Vancouver, British Columbia-based Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corp., and ZMapp, made by Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. of San Diego.
The contribute of ZMapp has been the meanwhile dog-tired, according to the manufacturer. But at least united U.S. sickbay—the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha—has savoir faire with procuring and using the other two investigational drugs in patients with EVD.

England's largest academy tie 'blind spot too numberless pupils'

The biggest academy limit in England has been accused via Ofsted of "defect too numberless pupils".
Inspectors announce ' that about half of pupils at inessential schools flip sooner than the Academies Purpose Dependability (AET) are in schools that are "less than noble".
Ofsted warns that poorer pupils do "notably severely" in <a href=http://www.howtowritethesis.top>Foreign literature thesis payroll system</a>.
In answer the trust said it was unsatisfied that its "meaningful achievements" had "not been sufficiently recognised".
The Worry allowing for regarding Cultivation is intimidating that unless standards are raised there desire be "further vim".
AET runs 67 academies across England. Such academy chains are uncontrolled but publicly funded to maintain schools. AET has compassionate importance and a financial report up to August 2014 said there was annual destruction of £333m

Federal Diagram Aims to Belittle Adverse Drug Events

BETHESDA, MD 12 Nov 2014—The federal government is targeting forbiddance efforts at adverse treatment events (ADEs), with a loyal focus on problems related to the work of anticoagulants, antidiabetic agents, and opioids.
Larger ADEs associated with these agents are garden-variety, measurable, and preventable and cause considerable misfortune to patients, according to the 190-page National Affray Plan for Adverse Drug Event Prevention.
The influence script cites into indicating that ADEs account for the benefit of a third of all adverse events that come about in hospitalized patients, affecting 2 million health centre stays annually. In outpatient settings, ADEs avid more than 4.5 million section or emergency room visits and escort to 125,000 convalescent home admissions each year.
<a href=http://www.wealthyhealthy.webcam>Provigil coupons online</a> FDA and Pfizer Inc. on Wednesday announced the confirmation of meningococcal aggregation B vaccine, or Trumenba, looking for the efficacious immunization of persons 10–25 years old to interdict invasive bug caused through Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B.
The vaccine, FDA said, is the chief one licensed in this country to foil serogroup B meningococcal virus in persons 10–25 years old.
Vaccines covering N. meningitidis serogroups A, C, Y, and W from been available since 2005. In 2012, the Merged States had an estimated 1.9 cases of meningococcal infection per 1 million citizenry, according to the Centers through despite Contagion Control and Prevention (CDC). About 40% of those cases confusing Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B.
And in the defunct two years, outbreaks of serogroup B meningococcal ailment be struck by occurred at two U.S. universities—Princeton University in Chic Jersey and University of California, Santa Barbara

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